SimplyFact Pro

Geschreven door Tino Claessens
zondag, 12 juli 2009 16:56

SimplyFact Pro is een complete oplossing voor uw dagelijkse facturatie en stockbeheer, geschikt voor zowel kleine als middelgrote bedrijven.

Enkele van de kernelementen zijn:

- Creëer en beheer in -en uitgaande facturen - Meerdere talen mogelijk...Inhouse vertaalmechanisme
- Creëer en beheer bestellingen, offertes, creditnota's, ... - Ingebouwde rapportage
- Creëer en beheer domicilieringen en abonnementen - Eenvoudige update van het programma
- Ingebouwde mailclient met eenvoudig aan te passen templates - Gedetailleerd stockbeheer

- Meerdere layouts mogelijk voor zowel uw facturen, bestellingen, offertes, .... Bovendien mogelijkheid om bijkomende templates te installeren via een simpele interface

- Geintegreerde mogelijkheid om af te drukken op Europese overschrijvingsformulieren (oud en nieuw formaat)
- Creëer abonnementen en laat het programma automatisch uw facturen aanmaken - Volautomatische backups. Herstel een backup met een simpele klik
- Bespaar tijd door het eenvoudig omzetten van uw bestellingen en offertes naar facturen - ...


- Een SimplyFact Pro licentie is spotgoedkoop, vraag naar uw prijs op maat via onze Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. U heeft Javascript nodig om het te kunnen zien. .
Uw licentie blijft ook na een jaar geldig, dwz dat u het programma onbeperkt kunt blijven gebruiken, ongeacht of u opteert voor een verlenging van uw update-pakket.

Prijs van een update pakket bedraagt 35,00 € (excl BTW) per jaar. Uiteraard kunt u ook opteren voor meerdere jaren updates, contacteer hiervoor onze Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. U heeft Javascript nodig om het te kunnen zien.

Klik hier om uw versie van SimplyFact te downloaden


Klantdetails Klantdetails Abonnementen Automatisatie met behulp van abonnementen Factuur overzicht Eenvoudige maar krachtige overzichten
Backups Creëer en herstel backups Vakanties SimplyFact houdt rekening met vakantiedagen van u en uw klanten Importeer produkten Importeer produkten uit bestaande excel lijsten
Ingebouwde mailfunctie Volledig geintegreerde mail mogelijkheden Rapportage mogelijkheden Maak en exporteer rapporten Stockoverzicht Gedetailleerd stockbeheer



New since 27/03/2015


- Added new outgoing invoice template (default_8) with vat split by percent

- Added Vat detailed split on outgoing invoice detail

- Bugfix on zip autofill for customer delivery address

- Added check on product still in use before deleting it in products overview


New since 17/03/2015


- Bugfix on .net 2.0 framework where datetimepickers in non-visible tabs are not updated (invoice view on smaller screens)


New since 15/03/2015


- Added option to change prod specs on offerts

- Added option to import Geodata file


New since 14/03/2015


- Added quick product options to new invoices

- Added postal / city relationships and db entries


New since 08/03/2015


- Fixed broken link to offert details screen


New since 05/02/2015


- Added legal notice option to creditnotes

- Some bugfixes (unhandled crashes on writing to errorlog)

- Minor UI tweaks

- Fixed missing DB Updates if available

- NL translations added


New since 04/02/2015


- Some layouts fixed for smaller screens (Outgoing invoice, creditnote, offert, order)

- Crash fixes

- Language updates

- Missing translations fixes

- SQL Unique Key fix on incoming products


New since 31/12/2014


- Some layouts fixed for smaller screens


New since 20/12/2014


- Added some fixes and timeout corrections to the mail tester and handler

- Some layouts fixed for smaller screens

- Fixed SQL issue in Accountant mail form


New since 17/12/2014


- Added accountant options

- Option to mail invoices to accountant (with or without barcode)

- Several bugfixes


New since 12/09/2014


- Added discount options to Outgoing Invoice Specs


New since 24/03/2014


- Mapped to new Icecat XML


New since 09/01/2014


- Added month and days warranty fields to product sheet


New since 10/10/2013


- Minor bugfixes


New since 24/05/2013


- Small layout changes outgoing invoice

- Added print functionality to outgoing invoice screen

- Option to leave outgoing invoice screen open upon save


New since 06/04/2013


- Improved and new stock view - time snapshot

- Working on network version + integrated chat (to be released soon)

- Updated installer package - now defaults to SQL Server Express 2008 R2


New since 23/02/2013


- Implemented SMS trough Clickatell Gateway.

- Send invoice reminder by SMS

- Send plain SMS

- Expanded database connections and backups for use on a centralised database

- Simplyfact now works with SQL Express 2005, 2008, 2008R2 and 2012


New since 24/11/2012


- Minor IceCat bug fixes.

- Icecat ean search will autosearch for 13 code ean if 12 code is given and not found


New since 15/11/2012


- Improved IceCat error handling


New since 06/11/2012


- Corrected iceCAT bug with too long names

- Corrected admin function - stock view in time - SQL correction


New since 25/07/2012


- IceCAT integration !!! If you sell electrical components, parts, pc items, etc, ... take advantage of the IceCAT directory

- Automated product info, extra product details (manufacturer, sku, productfamily, category)

- Extended products also show images, detailed product info and gives the possibility to print datasheets

- Check your settings and activate the extended product (options / products)


New since 12/07/2012


- Patch release for old version update program

- New updater released

- New updater creates zipped backups of program folder before updating in case of emergencies.

- Registration procedure changed - current registered users will be updated silently


New since 13/05/2012


- Added discount options (amount + percentage) to outgoing incoice products: calculation : first discount amount, then discount percentage

- Adjusted reports to include product discounts

- Added new report: report by customer and payed/unpayed invoices status (easy to provide a customer a status on unpayed invoices)

- Added shortcut keys for most common operations

- New Template package released (default 6) to use with product discount: see website

- Added check on user.config update with new version (with autoload of previous version if needed)


New since 23/03/2012


- Added discount option to creditnotes. Templates have been adjusted according


New since 13/03/2012


- Bugfix - orders and offerts, retrieving most recent data after customer info was changed before submitting to email model.


New since 12/03/2012


- added VAT check functionality on customer page. Online check performed trough Graydon webpage.


New since 13/01/2012


- VAT check performed when adding / changing a customer: a warning is thrown when the entered vat is already used before

- added scrollbars to customer remark box


New since 09/01/2012


- Added new report: grouped by customer showing only invoices numbers with totals and customer grand totals


New since 06/01/2012


- Added creditnote delete functionality


New since 28/12/2011


- Minor print routine change outgoing invoices


New since 20/12/2011


- Added customer export options (to xls and csv)


New since 13/07/2011


- Debug tracing on possible error when calculating invoice totals

- Spashscreen logo updated to version 2011 - special thx to Nise-Solutions

- Updated language files - special thx to Nise-Solutions


New since 04/07/2011


- improved mailsettings: Supporting SSL, outgoing authentication, port selection, authentication type and Secured password Authenticaion (SPA)

- added new parameter : outgoing invoice total no vat counting discount (#docNetTotal)

- added mail tracing option: keep track of your send outgoing invoices by mail - last send date and time added into outgoing invoices collection


New since 03/05/2011


- Bug fixed on check overdue invoices / multiple same invoices are now limited to 1 notice

- Added stock view in time functionality / new form: "Menu ==> Products ==> Stock quantity in time"


New since 27/02/2011


- Bug fixed on possible identical outgoing invoice nrs within same bookyear


New since 17/01/2011


- Creditnote nr adjusted same way as invoices are numbered (according to preferences)

- Possible program crash on filtering paramaters on customers corrected


Emergency update 20/12/2010


- IBAN allowed chars changed to 50 instead of 20 to allow international IBAN nrs

- Payment types - add button - fixed


New since 14/09/2010


- Creditnote template 'Default 2' added with updated header info (cfr Out Invoice Default template)

- Barcode Scan function updated with 12 digits and leading 0


New since 29/08/2010


- Seperation on payment type on autogenerating invoices

- Scan function on incoming product selection started

- Improved updater


New since 28/08/2010


- Minor bug fixes in outgoing product selection

- Confirm button in above form anly enabled if actually an item is added to the basket

- Confirmation shown when item added to the basket


New since 26/08/2010


- Scan function added on selecting outgoing product item

- Select multiple outgoing items that are saved into the cart


New since 16/08/2010


- Delete country enabled

- Relation with incoming products on non-stock chosen items in outgoing invoice completed: if invoice or invoice products changed, related incoming stoc on non-stock items is corrected

- additional free templates made available online:

- template fixes on offerts, orders, etc.. concerning logo usage: possible eerror may have occured before (couldn't find correct path to image location)

- language update (credits @ Nise-Sulutions)


New since 25/07/2010


- Delete fixed customer holiday button enabled


New since 25/07/2010


- If an outgoing invoice is marked as tax free, printouts will set all product taxes to 0% as well, without affecting the original set tax rate / product

- Non stock items are always available to add to an invoice. Selected quantity is auto added to incoming products, (labeled with invoice_id = -2 to be recognized as auto-added)


New since 04/07/2010


- Bug fix where some mailclients couldn't render the selected mail signature images.


New since 02/07/2010


- Bug fix where password prompt was given on printjob.


New since 01/07/2010


- Added default VAT option.

- Small fixes in Banks and Paymentmethods view: when saved, form is closed now


New since 30/06/2010


- Possible backup error and language file error fixed.

- Correction of SimplyFactClasses.dll

- Auto selection of numeric updown values in Product details added

- Minor NL language updates added


New since 26/06/2010


- Current outgoing invoices overview changed for lower screen resolutions - tabpages implemented - autodetect screen size.


New since 23/06/2010


- New feature: Mail Signature: set 1 signature to apply to all emails, multiple signature templates possible. Define a logo to be used in your template and to be included as embedded image in your emails.

- preview buttons mailtemplates enabled

- mail: select your signature


New since 08/06/2010


- New NL language files, credits to Nise-Solutions BVBA


New since 06/06/2010


- improved installer


New since 16/05/2010


- bug removed: sometimes when printing/previewing invoice error was shown (<Error while creating output pdf>), fixed by reassigning image location

- updated NL languagefiles added (credits @ Nise-Solutions BVBA)

- all valuta's on mailtemplates are rounded to 2 decimals behind the comma


New since 16/05/2010


- new funcionality: double click a row in outgoing invoice details to edit the related product

- new funcionality: double click a row in product / sold items details to edit the related outgoing invoice

- new feature: when selecting a product on outgoing invoice, the warranty expiration date of that product, calculated based on invoice date, is displayed. The background color indicates if the period has expired.


New since 15/05/2010


- new funcionality: password protect the program. Set up a password trough > Extra > change password

- option added (settings/templates) to assign default mail template for reminders


New since 29/04/2010


- new funcionality: add a custom nr to a credit note


New since 21/04/2010


- new functionality: product reports from subscriptions: calculates the by subscription generated product quantity.

- 2 new reports added (by paymenttype & id; by customer & paymenttype)

- improved subscription memory handling


New since 20/02/2010


- Logo change bug fixed. After each logo change, a program restart is required and promped.

- Startup screen updated: image updated to 2010, version info corrected


New since 15/02/2010


- version update to 1.08

- new template added (default_3) ==> available as download on SimplyFact Website:

- possibilty added to define RPR region

- possibilty added to add 4 extra bankaccounts

- bug fixed where changes in settings did not apply without program restart

- several small changes / bug fixes


New since 01/01/2010


- version update to 1.07


New since 31/12/2009


- Minimum required version function added to Template Installer

- Update bug fixed where current items were deleted. (f.e. custom templates)

- Bookyear bug fixed (last day of bookyear bug)

- Employee function added - add and control your employees (in preparation to Workfiches executed by employees)

- Update check on startup - error handling on no update available changed


New since 25/12/2009


- Search on outgoing product select fixed (bug with use of "*")


New since 04/12/2009


- Update check moved into background on startup

- Template Installer improved

- Export function added to product overview (to xls and csv)

- Product overview load time seriously improved


New since 14/11/2009


- Reactivated template choice incoming invoices


New since 12/11/2009


- Possibility added to pauze/restart subscription products

- Overview paused subscription products added

- Paused subscription products integrated in auto calculations


New since 30/10/2009


- Issue fixed with serial splitter on outgoing invoice

- Mail generator fixed on orders


New since 22/10/2009


- Mail template issue fixed: template changes on first selection

- Small correction on new euroform distances/marges


New since 22/10/2009


- Issue concerning language with plugin feature fixed

- template default_1 corrected


New since 20/10/2009


- version update to 1.06

- template module installer added. From now, templates (currently only outgoing invoices and reminders) can be imported as seperate "SimplyFact Template Packages" (.stp files). This opens the door to more custom and theme-based templates. This feature, if appreciated, will be extended to the other doc formats as well.


New since 15/10/2009


- new outgoing invoice template added, 'default_2', with remark between header and products


New since 02/10/2009


- improved report grouped by payed/unpayed and invoice nr, added different totals and layout difference


New since 27/09/2009


- Added possibility to view (possible) related incoming invoice in edit outgoing invoice, with one (or more) products selected

- Re-design registration form


New since 24/09/2009


- New report added, grouped by payed/unpayed and invoice nr


New since 18/09/2009


- When mailing an invoice, data is gathered directly from database instead of view, to avoid using old data

- added new outgoing invoice template (subscriptions_1), made for use with subscriptions, hides the s/n


New since 13/09/2009


- Some template detials are changed (f.e. made prices installed windows culture depandant)

- Template examples including option to write own comment made available for: out & incoming invoices, credit notes, offerts and orders

- Added invoice details at customer details

- Changed sold items at customer details


New since 11/09/2009


- new templates added for outgoing invoices: template custom_3 (including VAT and warranty) and default_1 (incl VAT)

- quickfix concerning too small decimals behind comma when using certain out prices


New since 08/09/2009


- fixed small bug at generating invoices from subscriptions: duty-free marked subscriptions now generate duty-free invoices as well


New since 31/08/2009


- version update to 1.05

- Sql treatment has been improved on several points

- Sample data can now be removed at first launch. This will erase ALL existing data. This function is available to admins as well

- Auto check on overdue invoices, option to auto-open relevant reminder forms


New since 24/08/2009


- Option has been added to settings/print: use id as remark when using any kind of euroform

- Template outgoing invoice Custom_2 has been corrected: when not using duplex mode, the sentence 'see backside for disclaimer' is removed


New since 16/08/2009


- Calculation of totals is now handled by clicking a button to improve load time of current outgoing invoices view. Calculation is also performed by a seperate thread.

- Current outgoing invoices view will select current bookyear as default filter (if bookyear present) to improve load time.

- Improved handling time when selecting existing product

- Version update message has been added

- New view added (SoldView, sql update nr 8)

- Admin function added: clean up auto-generated but unused products (Clean up old subscription data)

- Admin function added: complete creditnote products view


New since 09/08/2009


- StockView has been changed - view & load time improved, seperated into Products view and Incoming products view



New since 02/08/2009


- included max file&folder path length with backups

- included (optional) seperate language update method

- language folder is included in complete backup



New since 01/08/2009


- fixed error concering unexisting error log folder error on first startup after setup

- added "copy item" buttons to customer & supplier contactitems

- added 'Google Map' buttons to customer and supplier adresses, opening provided locations inside application into Google Maps frame



New since 28/07/2009


- fixed export to csv and xls buttons in direct debit export reports.

- added deletion control to direct debits



New since 26/07/2009


- added 'mark unpayed & overdue' (by color) possibility in outgoing invoices view.

- added functionality: default mail settings

- included mailoption: "send copy to myself (in bcc)"

- user numbers in mailtemplates are converted according to Windows Current Localisation (culture, country & language) 2.50 (Gb-en) becomes 2,50 (Be, nl)

- integrated function 'duty free' on outgoing invoices if customer billing country is different from own country

- sectors are sorted alpabetically in customer details



New since 25/07/2009


- added help functionality to online bug report and program change request.



New since 23/07/2009


- added report functionality.

- Microsoft ReportViewer 2008 sp1 is a neccessity to view reports. If not installed yet, check is performed and program will be installed if wanted. Due to this upgrade, .NET Framework 3.5 is recommended (but not an obliged upgrade)

- for smaller screen resolutions, a special form for creating an outgoing invoice has been created (using tabs to save space). If needed, this type if form will auto be opened (on screen resolutions smaller then 1024 x 768)



New since 21/07/2009


- backup procedure altered, complete folder incl logfiles is now backupped and can be restored

- fixed 'browse' buttons in settings concerning log locations



New since 20/07/2009


- disabled possibilty to convert order(s) to invoice when the order contains products that aren't in stock

- special chars are replaced (éèë=>e, áàä=>a, íìï=>i, úùü=>u, óòö=>o) / removed from export reports (to .csv & .xls), except "," and " "



New since 19/07/2009


- Function credit nrs added, see menu 'reports / direct debits'. Direct debits now need a reference to a credit nr. For existing direct debits the program will check at startup and if needed, create a dummy credit nr and assign it to the existing direct debits.

- User settings are automatically upgraded instead of replaced on newer versions, so no settings are lost on updates

- corrected stock quantity view when using converted orders, same done at product detail level




- new table created: 'creditnrs', table directdebits altered (added column creditnr), DirectDebits_CompleteView  changed. Updatefiles: sql_2.sql, sql_3.sql and sql_4.sql



New since 17/07/2009


- minimum resolution width outgoing forms changed to 1280px, min heigth 900px



New since 04/07/2009


- small corrections on complete totals in outgoing invoice, now including prepaid unpaid invoice amount



New since 03/07/2009


- added functionality to change serial in details outgoing invoice, inclusive split multiple items to serial items

- added some items in outgoing products view (not directly visible to end-user, in the background)

- added complete totals in outgoing invoice



New since 28/06/2009


- resized incoming invoice to be completely visible starting at height 800 px, min width = 1000 px

- convert 1 and/or multiple orders to 1 invoice by selecting customer and date-range. Already converted orders will not be converted again.



New since 23/06/2009


- finetuned split multiple same incoming products to seperate products with serial nr




New since 22/06/2009


- change product details directly on incoming invoice generation

- split multiple same incoming products to seperate products with serial nr




New since 21/06/2009


- small redesign 'new invoice', so save button is made visible when maximized in 1280x1024px

- bug fixed concerning outgoing price change at product level. Incoming and ougoing sell prices are now adjusted as well




New since 20/06/2009


- error files > 10kb are moved to a folder 'errorlogs' with the creationdate attached



New since 17/06/2009


- subscriptions from disabled customers will no longer be generated.

- restyling forms to fit screens starting at 800x600 started (background tests)




New since 16/06/2009


- Print margin changed when printing lists

- Formatted cells used when printing lists

- Print list button activated, margins pre-adjusted and configurable. Print possible in portrait & landscape, paper-size selectable.

- before update: checked is performed on running simplyfactupdater.exe processes..if so they will be terminated first. Same check on end of update on SimplyFact.exe running processes...





New SimplyFactUpdater published




New since 15/06/2009


- Removed empty listbox from current customers form

- added option 'print only selected rows' in current customers form, current creditnotes form, current incoming invoices form, current offerts form, current orders form, current outgoing invoices form, current products form, current subscriptions form, current suppliers form




New since 14/06/2009


- Removed test menu item

- first update released on new server




New since 13/06/2009



- new registration procedure has been implementated

- update changed: based on version, final update date implementated

- new SimplyFactUpdater: included update final date

- updatelocation has been changed to new server, as of now updatelocation can be chosen. New updatelocation will be pushed hardcoded on every launch until at least 01/08/2009 to avoid issues

- option: check on update at application launch

- option: choose minimum interval between auto check on updates

- seperate KeyGen generated

Laatst aangepast ( vrijdag, 27 maart 2015 23:33 )